These examples illustrate the flexibility of Direct Dental. An employer can choose any level of financial commitment initially, and then revise the benefit levels based on experience.

Plan A

Reimburse 100% of the first $200 of dental expense
80% of the next $500
50% of the next $800
Maximum Annual Benefit: $1,000 (totals can be either individual or family maximums)

Plan B

Reimburse 100% of the first $100 of dental expenses
80% of the next $250
50% of the next $2,000
Maximum Annual Benefit: $1,300 (totals can be either individual or family maximums)

Plan C

Reimburse 100% of the first $100 of dental expenses
80% of the next $500
50% of the next $1,000
Maximum Annual Benefit: $1,000 (totals can be either individual or family maximums)

Plan D

Reimburse 50% of $1,000 of dental expenses
Maximum Annual Benefit: $500 (totals can be either individual or family maximums)

