Direct Dental: The Dental Benefits Plan for Smart Companies

Facts on Dental Care
● Each Person averages 1.1 office visits per year
● The average dental expense per person is $250 for 2005
● The need for dental care is highly predictable
● Dental care is easily manageable
● People typically do not over-utilize dental benefits

Direct Dental is an innovative approach to self-funding employee dental benefits. It is strongly supported by the American Dental Association as a cost-effective way to provide a dental plan for employees that gives them the freedom to choose their dentists.

How it works
One of the most attractive features of a Direct Dental plan is its simplicity of operation.
Benefits are stated as a maximum dollar limit per year per eligible individual, or a percentage thereof. Reimbursement is based on dollar expenditures rather than on treatment received. Unlike conventional plans, there are typically no exclusions and few, if any, limitations on specific treatments and participants may use the dentist of their choice. No networks, PPO's, etc.

Unlike medical costs, dental costs are low enough for the employees to participate in the cost of treatment, and to make sure that the work is satisfactory. In other words, with Direct Dental, the plan sponsor expects the employees to be responsible for the best use of the benefit dollars available. Additionally, employees are involved in the cost containment process through cost-sharing provisions such as annual maximums and co-payments.

The details of a Direct Dental plan may vary widely depending on the level of benefits the employer wishes to provide. Some of the options to be considered in designing the plan include:
 employees only or employees and dependents
 co-payment provisions
 annual benefit maximums (individual or family)
 immediate benefits or a waiting period for eligibility

Available to small groups:
Both large and small employers have instituted Direct Dental programs to assist the employees in meeting the costs of their dental care. Companies with 2 to 16,000 employees have enjoyed cost savings with a Direct Dental plan. Even a small employer can design a plan to meet the needs of its employees while, at the same time, satisfying the company's financial and administrative concerns.

Cost considerations:
A Direct Dental plan gives the employer immediate control of the maximum level of benefits offered. By including cost-sharing measures in the plan design, the employer is protected against wide fluctuations in benefit costs. In a Direct Dental plan, the employer only pays for dental costs as they are incurred.

Unlike conventional insured programs where the employer's premium rate frequently is determined by the pooled experience of many groups, the employer's expense for a Direct Dental program is based only on its own employees' experience. In addition, employer funds that would be kept by an insurance company are now left to the employer.

Perhaps the most clearly discernible savings to the employer are in the administrative costs of a Direct Dental plan. The simplification of claim forms and other extraneous paperwork reduces much of the transactional cost of administration. Further, since a Direct Dental program is not considered "insurance," there is no premium tax liability.

One of the most important features of a Direct Dental plan is the employees' freedom to choose their own dentists without restrictions. Because employees have this freedom to choose their own dentists and their own dental treatment, the employer's potential liability exposure can be greatly reduced.

This information was provided as an overview of the Direct Dental approach to providing dental care benefits. Ultimately, the decision to implement a Direct Dental program, and the specific details of your plan, is yours. Click on the links below to see some sample plans and use our simple plan calculator to see what your potential savings could be by switching to a Direct Dental Plan.


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